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Department of Infrastructure

The Department of Infrastructure at IPR Prague is the expert body for infrastructure planning in the city and is composed of two sections; the Office of Transport Infrastructure and the Office of Technical Infrastructure.

The Office of Transport Infrastructure is the expert body for transportation infrastructure planning in Prague. It is responsible for cooperation and consultation with other departments within IPR Prague, Prague City Hall, and other city organizations and companies engaged in the field of transportation.

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The office is specifically responsible for the following activities:

Creation of and consultation on strategic documents

The Office of Transportation produces its own strategic and analytical documents, including:

- A strategy for the construction of Prague’s new metro line (line D)

- The Tram Network Development Strategy

- Parking Capacity Comparison in the Historic Centre of Prague, 2000 and 2016

- City Logistics Strategy (in preparation until 2019), and others.

Our main focus is on transportation infrastructure planning, but we also address the actual traffic that utilizes transport infrastructure, as you cannot consider one without the other.

We also participate as experts in workgroups sponsored by other IPR Prague departments, Prague City Hall, and other city organizations and companies  For example, we are members of the Prague Agglomeration Sustainable Mobility Plan workgroup.

The office is specifically responsible for the following activities:

Consultation activities

As our office is Prague’s expert body for transportation infrastructure planning, we work as transportation consultants on many projects with other departments within IPR Prague, Prague City Hall, and other city organizations. We are co-creators of the transportation concept in the Prague Development Principles, the Prague Metropolitan Plan, and the Prague Strategic Plan.

Our experts are also members of workgroups for special projects including:

- The redevelopment of specific streets throughout the city;

- The new Prague Airport railway connection,

- Plans for improving the outer Prague city ring highway, and

- The Air Quality Improvement Plan, among others.

The office is specifically responsible for the following activities:

Transport modelling

Transport modeling using mathematical methods is an effective tool for transportation engineering and city development. Traffic engineering analyses are one of the essential bases for assessing the transport system and individual buildings and are used in environmental impact assessment. 
PTV VISION software is used for traffic modeling, and is based on a sophisticated gravitational model, which is mainly presented in the VISUM module. IPR Prague and the Technical Administration of Roadways of the Capital of Prague together create and maintain the models that are used in the city.

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The modeling of traffic in both organizations takes place in close coordination. IPR Prague uses the transport model for spatial planning and for verifying different alternatives for planned transport network routes. It is also used as a basis for assessing the impact of planned routes on sustainable development and the environment.

IPR Prague works primarily with the long-term horizon of the anticipated development of the city according to demographic forecasts, corresponding to maximum utilization in the land use plan. The transport model created for Prague is a 4-phase, disaggregated, multimodal, iterative (sequential) mezomodel using logite functions, based on the chaining of individual elements (demand strata). For practical reasons, the model is divided into two separate network parameterized versions, vehicular traffic and public transit. This multi-modality is ensured by integrating separate matrices which contain the current qualitative parameters of the transport offer into the model of transport demand included in the vehicular traffic version, as well as using the resulting interactive matrices of the transport relations of the various modes of transport with the necessary computing iterations.