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The new design for the symbol of Dejvice will divert all traffic away from the center of the square.

Vítězné náměstí, otherwise known as Kulaťák, does not currently function as a fully-fledged square. It is essentially an uncompleted traffic crossing that puts pedestrians last. For this reason, the city decided that Vítězné náměstí would be given a facelift. The competition proposal of Pavel Hnilička Architekti won an urban design competition in 2018, a competition we prepared at the assignment of the city leadership. The new design for the symbol of Dejvice will divert all traffic away from the center of the square. This will be transformed into a place to meet, for cultural events, markets, public gatherings, or a central monument.

About the project

Project base points


Commencement: 2018
Completion: 2025

How much will it cost?

CZK 500 million

Who will do the work?

Pavel Hnilička Architekti

The role of IPR prague

Competition contracting authority and compiler of competition terms


International, urban design/architectural, open, anonymous, two-round, project competition

Contact details

Questions and inquiries: Ing. arch. Petra Hrubešová, 236004531,, guarantor 

For the media: Mgr. Marek Vácha,, 723 444 291, press spokesperson


The subject-matter of the competition

The subject-matter of the competition was the compilation of a design for the space on Vítězné náměstí, with all transport links in the locality in question, and the creation of public space of a presentable character where people do not simply pass through, in line with a newly-proposed traffic design.


Announcement of the competition: 20.4.2018

End of the competition 28.11.2018

Competitive proposals
1st prize, competition proposal no. 35, Pavel Hnilička Architekti
2nd prize, competition proposal no. 24, Mandaworks, Sweden
3. cena, návrh č. 12
1st prize, competition proposal no. 35, Pavel Hnilička Architekti
Author team

Pavel Hnilička, Eva Macková, Josef Filip, collaboration: Marek Řehoř, Jana Kafková, Karolína Röschl, Tereza Sýkorová, Mirka Baklíková, Theresa Kjellberg, Jan Drška

The fundamental idea of the competition proposal for the treatment of the as-yet incomplete square is to free up the center by moving tram and road traffic. The free center can be used for many different activities, such as markets, public gatherings, the start and finish of races, etc. The value of the public area lies in its universality. The geometry of the square, based on the ground plan of half square and circle, is segmented towards the central circle by green sections of bosquet which delineate the circle in the middle itself and the space around the circumference with an active parterre of buildings. The full-grown trees bring the feel of a street around the edges of the square in spite of the fact that the entire area of the square of 200 meters in width (the square section) is clearly-arranged throughout. By way of comparison, Old Town Square (Staroměstské náměstí), for example, is four times smaller (around 100 x 100 m). The bosquet added will hide road transport under the tops of the trees. The proposal for the treatment of the square places the emphasis on the residential quality of the city. In light of the location of the square within the structure of Prague and its ties to public transport, pedestrians in particular will come to the forefront of interest. The square has the opportunity to become a significant and popular part of Prague.
2nd prize, competition proposal no. 24, Mandaworks, Sweden
Author team

Mandaworks, Sweden

3. cena, návrh č. 12
Author team

JAKUB CIGLER ARCHITEKTI a.s. + Ateliér DUA, s.r.o.

Základní myšlenkou návrhu úprav dosud nedostavěného náměstí je uvolnění jeho středu odsunutím tramvajového a automobilového provozu. Volný střed může být naplněn mnoha různými aktivitami, jako jsou trhy, veřejná shromáždění, start a cíl závodu apod. Hodnota veřejného prostoru spočívá v jeho univerzálnosti.Geometrie náměstí založeného na půdorysu poloviny čtverce a kruhu je do středového kruhu rozčleněna zelenými segmenty bosketu, které vymezí nejen samotný kruh uprostřed, ale i prostor po obvodu s aktivním parterem budov.Vzrostlé stromy navodí po okrajích náměstí příjemné měřítko prostoru podobnému ulici, přesto je celý prostor náměstí o šířce 200 m(ve čtverci) přehledný po celé své ploše. Pro srovnání například Staroměstské náměstí je čtyřikrát menší (cca 100x100 m).Vložený bosket schová pod koruny stromů automobilovou dopravu. Návrh úprav náměstí klade důraz na obytnou kvalitu města.Vzhledem k poloze náměstí ve struktuře Prahy a vazbám na veřejnou dopravu se tak do popředí zájmu dostávají zejména chodci. Náměstí má šanci stát se významnou a oblíbenou částí Prahy.


Members of the jury – independent

  • prof. Ing. arch. Jan Jehlík, architect/urbanist, Jan Jehlík Studio, Prague, Chair of the jury 
  • Peter Heath, RIBA MRTPI, Atkins Design Director Public Realm, London
  • prof. Ivan Reimann, Müller-Reimann architekten, Berlin
  • Ing. arch. Antonín Novák, DRNH Studio, Brno
  • prof. PhDr. Petr Kratochvíl, CSc., theoretician of architecture
  • Ing. arch. MgA. Alena Korandová, Koranda-Korandová Studio, Beroun

Members of the jury – dependent

  • Mgr. Adriana Krnáčová, MBA, Mayor of the City of Prague
  • Mgr. Petra Kolínská, Deputy Mayor of the City of Prague
  • Petr Dolínek, Deputy Mayor of the City of Prague
  • Mgr. Ondřej Kolář, Mayor of the Municipal District of Prague 6
  • Ing. arch. Martin Polách, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal District of Prague 6 

Substitute members of the jury - independent

  • Ing. arch. MgA. Martin Rusina, Ph.D., Rusina-Frei Studio, Prague
  • Ing. arch. MgA. Pavel Nasadil, FAM Studio, Prague
  • Ing. arch. Juraj Calaj, edit architects Studio, Prague

Substitute members of the jury – dependent

  • Ing. arch. MgA. Petr Janda, representative of Mayor Adriana Krnáčová
  • MgA. Štěpán Toman, representative of Deputy Mayor Petra Kolínská
  • Mgr. Michael Pokorný, representative of Deputy Mayor Petr Dolínek
  • MgA. Marek Kopeć, IPR 
  • doc. Ing. arch. Pavla Melková, Ph.D., IPR 
  • Ing. Štěpán Špoula, IPR