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Implementation should be completed by the end of 2023. Busy Klárov is awaiting an improved transport solution and a connection to the river.

The area surrounding the Malostranská metro station, i.e., Klárov, lacks a clear identity. It is a starting point for a trip to the castle area, a visit to the Wallenstein Gardens or Malá Strana. It is a pedestrian-heavy area. However, the current condition is not appropriate to this. We were therefore given the task of preparing a conceptual study for the transformation of the entire area. The document was prepared by the A69 - architekti studio. Implementation should be completed by the end of 2023. Busy Klárov is awaiting an improved transport solution and a connection to the river.

What should happen and why? What will change

What should happen?

  • Improvement in the quality and functionality of all coordinated plans and projects
  • Improvement in the quality of public spaces for residents and visitors to Prague
  • A new traffic solution 
  • Increased safety and comfort for pedestrians and cyclists - new crossings, extended sidewalks and boarding islands, new lanes for cyclists 
  • The connection of Klárov to other recreational areas - Letenské sady, Kosárkovo nábřeží and náplavka Cihelná 
  • Improved connections to the immediate vicinity of Klárov 
  • Reduced barriers and new pedestrian links in the area
  • Calming of the traffic in the Klárov locality
About the project

Project base points


Commencement: 2017
Completion: 2023

How much will it cost?

CZK 344m to 400m

Who will do the work?

A69 - architekti

The role of ipr prague

Conceptual study contracting authority


Conceptual study

contact details

If you have any queries: Ing. arch. Martin Špičák, 236004613,, guarantor

For the media: Mgr. Marek Vácha,, 723 444 291, press spokesperson

What exactly will change?

  • Light signaling equipment - Letenská, U Lužického semináře, Klárov (Eltodo)
  • Underpass/cycle underpass under the Mánes Bridge (Prague Roads Authority) 
  • Park náplavky Cihelná (Prague 1 municipal district)
  • Temporary traffic measures to reduce the number of accidents at the U Bruských kasáren and Pod Bruskou intersection (Department of Transport Development and Financing at Prague City Hall)

Documents for download

Conceptual study
(The study also includes modules outside the framework of the study. The modules have not been approved by Prague City Council and only examine possible solutions by the contractor’s architect).