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Prague announced a design competition for street furniture.

Prague announced a design competition for street furniture. The winners were Michal Froněk and Jan Němeček from the Olgoj Chorchoj studio. An anonymous two-round competition was run for the design of one complete set of street furniture - a bench, trash can and bicycle stand. You can already see the winning set in Prague, for example on Petřín, in Strossmayerové náměstí and in Stromovka. The trash can won the prestigious Red Dot Design Award in 2019. The tender for a new central street furniture supplier was completed at the end of January 2021. The new supplier for the next four years should be known in March 2021.

What should happen and why? What will change?

What has happened?

  • The creation of new street furniture that respects the specific character of Prague
  • Creation of a complete set - a bench, a bicycle stand and a trash can 
About the project

Project base points


Commencement: 2017 
Completion: 2017 

How much will it cost?

For a license without time or territory limitations and the completion of the tender documentation, Prague Capital City paid a max. CZK 2m.

Who will do the work?

Design author: Olgoj Chorchoj, cooperation: Aleš Kachlík 
The license is owned by Prague City Hall, which selected the supplier.

The role of IPR prague

The organizer of the competition and the author of the competition conditions, implementation of pilot pieces of street furniture, project coordination with municipal entities, and cooperation in the preparation of the tender for a new street furniture supplier.


An international, design, open, two-round, public competition

Contact details

If you have any queries:  DiS. Rostislav Zapletal,, project and competitions specialist

For the media: Mgr. Marek Vácha,, 723 444 291, press spokesperson

Subject of the competition


The subject of the competition was the design for a set of Prague street furniture containing a bench with a backrest, a bench without a backrest, a large capacity trash can, a hanging trash can, and a bicycle stand.

Each proposed component should be usable both individually and in combination with other elements. Emphasis should be placed on the design relationship between the individual elements, their representativeness, and easy maintenance and management.

The elements were to be based on the Prague environment, its character and history. The street furniture was to be sufficiently representative for both important and regular public spaces. The elements will be placed both in street spaces and squares, as well as in parks mainly in the center and the wider center of Prague.

Competitive proposals
1st place
2nd place
3rd place
Other designs
1st place
Author team

Michal Froněk, Jan Němeček

The jury appreciates the high quality of the design in all aspects. The design is timeless - traditional yet contemporary. The lines are clean, and it is simple and cultivated as a whole and in its details. The whole creates a subtle impression, although it is structurally stable. The design solution is sophisticated and coherent. The set of elements is complete and supports the Prague Capital City plan to unify the elements of Prague street furniture in accordance with the Manual for the Creation of Public Spaces in Prague Capital City. The set fits into the context of the Prague environment, both historical and contemporary. Photographs Juryevaluation
2nd place
Author team

Matěj Herrmann a Eduard Coufal

Jury evaluation
3rd place
Author team

David Karásek a Daniel Golík

Jury evaluation
Other designs
Author team

Other designs


Jury members - independent

Claude Brulhart, designer for the city of Geneva for street furniture and public spaces
prof. ak. arch. Jiří Pelcl, dr. h. c., designer
doc. Eva Eisler, designer
doc. Ing. Ing. akad. arch. Petr Hájek, architect 

Jury members - non-independent

Mgr. Adriana Krnáčová, MBA, Mayor of Prague
Mgr. Jiří Skalický, Director of the Department of Monument Care at Prague City Hall
Ing. arch. Pavla Melková, Ph.D., Director of the City Details Section, IPR Prague 

Substitute jurors - independent

MA Matěj Chabera, designer
Ing. arch. Adam Halíř,  architect

Substitute jurors - non-independent

MgA. Marek Kopeć, Director of the Projects Office, IPR Prague 
Mgr. Petra Kolínská, vice-mayor, Prague Councillor for territorial development