What should happen and why? What will change?
What should happen?
- The quality of the central public spaces and selected sections of adjacent streets will be improved
- The tram loop will be returned to its pre-war position around the block - the Špitálská stop will be moved and the tram loop relocated to its pre-war position around the block defined by Kolbenova, Pod Pekárnami and the former Ke Kolbence streets
- A new multi-purpose area of the square, which will be used for organizing cultural events and markets, will be established.
- The tram stop will be moved directly inside náměstí OSN and transfers from the metro or bus to the tram will be quicker.
- The stop will use the unified name “Vysočanská” for all types of public transport
- The náměstí OSN intersection will be simplified by losing one arm - Pod Pekárnami street
- Comfortable travel to the station in Paříkova street
- A barrier-free crossing over Sokolovská street at the intersection with Paříková street will be built
- Integration measures for cyclists will be completed - lanes for cyclists on the main streets and new crossings on the main and planned backbone routes
- A barrier-free pedestrian network will be created through new crossings and sidewalks, while public transport stops will be barrier-free
- Parking will be retained, but front gardens, sidewalks and trees will be added