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The National Museum has arrived in the 21st century.

The National Museum has arrived in the 21st century. The overall reconstruction of one of the most important Prague institutions took 42 months. In addition to the historic building, the adjacent public space has also been transformed. Architects from IPR prepared a new vision for the vicinity of the National Museum. To do so, we used the latest methods for growing trees and flowers in the city and introduced new unified Prague street furniture.

What should happen and why? What will change?

What should happen?

  • The vicinity of the National Museum has been made more pleasant in general
  • A new public space between the National Museum buildings has been created
  • Vehicle transit is still possible
  • Cycling opportunities have been improved 
  • A unifying element has been introduced - specific light granite paving in the Prague format of a large cube that corresponds to the renewed color of the National Museum building 
  • Traffic-related changes in connection with the reconstruction of Vinohradská Street
  • Addition of widening pedestrian crossings
  • Replenishment of trees planted directly in the pavement with raised beds thus ensuring better water retention 
  • Renovation of Čelakovské sady to improve the safety and layout of the park 
  • New connection to the tram line on Vinohradská and Škrétova streets
  • Extension of the Muzeum tram stop island
  • Implementation of a pilot location with benches, trash cans and a bicycle stand from the designer competition for new Prague street furniture
About the project

Project base points


Commencement: 2018
Completion: 2018

How much will it cost?


Who will do the work?


The role of IPR prague




contact details

If you have any queries: Ing. arch. Jakub Hendrych,, 777 136  176, project head

For the media: Mgr. Marek Vácha,, 723 444 291, press spokesperson