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International Agenda

IPR Prague engages in active cooperation with its foreign partners. It promotes and facilitates the exchange of people, knowledge and ideas within Europe and further afield.
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Alongside these exchanges, IPR Prague implements joint projects on the practical level. The European and international agenda is focused on establishing Prague’s presence within Europe and globally in order to enhance the city’s profile and reputation in the field of spatial planning and to influence EU urban policy.

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International Cooperation

IPR Prague recognizes the importance of exchanging ideas on policies and practices, building new relationships, and benchmarking Prague’s performance against innovative cities. Our collaboration with other cities has taken many forms, including study tours, bilateral delegation visits, and workshops with foreign experts, providing opportunities for peer learning.

We have also participated in a number of EU-funded projects and analyses and we always welcome new partnerships and collaboration with cities from around the world. Please contact us at international@ipr.praha.eu to discuss opportunities for cooperation and knowledge exchange.


The Prague Institute of Planning and Development offers presentations about spatial and strategic planning in Prague to visiting delegations from public authorities and research institutions. Our aim is to share our experiences, knowledge, and best practices with interested international counterparts, as well as to create new networks for future collaboration.

If you are interested in an exchange, please send us an email with the following information:

1) Name of the institution;

2) Name, email, and phone number for the contact person;

3) Requested date, time and main point of interest for the exchange; and

4) The size of the group.


Contact for international delegations:

EU and International Affairs Office


International Newsletter